We are reviewing how OTP is utilized globally. Although the OTP framework is new to Alberta, it has been practiced in other jurisdictions. If you are interested in learning more about how other jurisdictions approach optimal transmission planning, please see the attachment for links to jurisdictional examples and information. Additionally, we would like to hear from you on the questions provided below.
Are there other jurisdictions with OTP practices that the AESO should further explore? If yes, please highlight specific element(s) of certain OTP practices you would like us to focus on, as well as the resulting benefits to an Alberta framework.
Do you have any additional attachments or formatted versions of your responses that you would like to submit? If so, please submit here.
Examples include:
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
California Independent System Operator (CAISO)
Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
In the Minister of Affordability and Utilities (MAU or Minister) July 2024 letter, the AESO was directed to implement changes to its current transmission planning framework. More specifically, the MAU announced that it has decided to “move away from the current zero-congestion transmission planning standard to an optimally planned transmission planning standard.” The MAU indicated that it is committed to continued collaboration with the AESO as it moves “towards the implementation of a new market and transmission framework to better enable a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity system for all Albertans.”
Purpose and Objectives
The AESO is embarking on a pivotal initiative and is committed to developing an optimally planned transmission planning framework through meaningful consultation with stakeholders. The AESO is proposing a stakeholder engagement approach that includes consultation sessions, written feedback cycles, and information sessions. The goal is to meaningfully engage with stakeholders before commencing regulatory processes in 2026, and to provide certainty for industry, by implementing the new optimally planned transmission planning framework in the 2027 Long-Term Transmission Plan (LTP). The AESO, in consultation with stakeholders, will develop a new optimally planned transmission planning framework to align with government direction.
We are reviewing how OTP is utilized globally. Although the OTP framework is new to Alberta, it has been practiced in other jurisdictions. If you are interested in learning more about how other jurisdictions approach optimal transmission planning, please see the attachment for links to jurisdictional examples and information. Additionally, we would like to hear from you on the questions provided below.
Are there other jurisdictions with OTP practices that the AESO should further explore? If yes, please highlight specific element(s) of certain OTP practices you would like us to focus on, as well as the resulting benefits to an Alberta framework.
Do you have any additional attachments or formatted versions of your responses that you would like to submit? If so, please submit here.
Examples include:
Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)
California Independent System Operator (CAISO)
Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)
Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)
Southwest Power Pool (SPP)
In the Minister of Affordability and Utilities (MAU or Minister) July 2024 letter, the AESO was directed to implement changes to its current transmission planning framework. More specifically, the MAU announced that it has decided to “move away from the current zero-congestion transmission planning standard to an optimally planned transmission planning standard.” The MAU indicated that it is committed to continued collaboration with the AESO as it moves “towards the implementation of a new market and transmission framework to better enable a reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity system for all Albertans.”
Purpose and Objectives
The AESO is embarking on a pivotal initiative and is committed to developing an optimally planned transmission planning framework through meaningful consultation with stakeholders. The AESO is proposing a stakeholder engagement approach that includes consultation sessions, written feedback cycles, and information sessions. The goal is to meaningfully engage with stakeholders before commencing regulatory processes in 2026, and to provide certainty for industry, by implementing the new optimally planned transmission planning framework in the 2027 Long-Term Transmission Plan (LTP). The AESO, in consultation with stakeholders, will develop a new optimally planned transmission planning framework to align with government direction.
To learn more about how other jurisdictions approach optimal transmission planning, please see the provided links to jurisdictional examples and information. Additionally, we would like to hear from you on the questions provided below.
Please note that these materials are for illustrative and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as support for a particular methodology.
To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to provide your specific comments.
You are not required to submit only one feedback per organization.
Results will be posted on AESO Engage, in their original state
Stakeholder Questions
Are there other jurisdictions with OTP practices that the AESO should further explore? If yes, please highlight specific element(s) of certain OTP practices you would like us to focus on, as well as the resulting benefits to an Alberta framework.
Do you have additional attachments or formatted versions of your responses that you would like to submit? If so, please submit here.
We value your input and would like to ask all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the AESO's proposed stakeholder engagement approach to the Minister of Affordability & Utilities' direction to develop a new optimally planned transmission planning framework.
The brief survey will remain open during the initiative and results of the survey will be shared on AESO Engage, in their original state.
Thank you in advance for providing this important feedback.
To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to provide your specific comments.
Please submit one completed Stakeholder Feedback per organization.
Results will be posted on AESO Engage, in their original state.
Stakeholder Survey Questions
Please indicate which category your organization predominantly represents:
Generation (thermal or diversified fuel mix)
Name of Organization
First and Last Name
Do you have any feedback on the AESO's proposed stakeholder engagement approach and schedule?
If you would like to provide a formatted document version of your response, you can do so here.
Additional questions or comments?
Page last updated: 14 Feb 2025, 08:11 AM
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Level of Engagement
Consult: Gather input and feedback from stakeholders