REM Technical Design
Important Materials and Deadlines
Jan. 17, 2025 | Stakeholder Feedback on REM High-Level Design due
Jan. 8, 2025 | Congestion Avoidance Market (CAM) CanREA Presentation posted
Dec. 13, 2024 | REM High-Level Design* and associated Stakeholder Feedback Form posted
*Updated Dec. 16, 2024 to correct two typos (pages 6 and 35) and Jan. 8, 2025 to address a formatting issue
Stakeholder Update - December 13, 2024
Following the first six REM Design Sprints, we have released a high-level design document covering each element of the market design, incorporating what we heard and discussed with stakeholders. The written stakeholder feedback period will be open until Jan. 17, 2025.
Additional direction from the Minister of Affordability and Utilities associated with the REM Market Design was provided on Dec. 10, 2024. View the Direction Letter and News Release.
There is an updated report and data file from Energy+Environmental Economics (E3) that contains some additional information and clarifications of the analysis, as requested by stakeholders in Sprint 6. This includes a number of updates to the analysis on the impact of the most recent version of the market power mitigation framework, edits to clarify the concepts presented on a number of slides and new slides (15, 21, 28, 33, and 94).
Materials posted this week include:
- REM High-Level Design and associated Stakeholder Feedback Form
- Updated E3 Restructured Energy Market Preliminary Report and AESO REM Modelling Results (Instructions - if needed)
- Dec. 12, 2024 Information Session Presentation and Recording
- Minister Direction Letter
- Design Sprint 6 Summary
Stakeholder consultations will help us continue to progress details on the final market design and work towards the ISO rule development stage. Watch for more information in mid-January on upcoming engagement opportunities.
Thank you for your interest, participation and contributions throughout the REM engagements. Your commitment and dedication have been instrumental in getting us to where we are. We look forward to continuing to work with stakeholders in 2025 to achieve a market design that sets our industry partners, the AESO and all Albertans up for a successful energy framework for the future.
We have embarked on a multi-phased engagement with industry stakeholders to advance work on the new market design through the fall of 2024. It will be comprised of a series of information sessions, written feedback cycles, and consultation sprints to dive deeper into each workstream to explore and consider stakeholder perspectives and inputs prior to beginning the required regulatory processes early in 2025.
We will strive to ensure overall alignment with the stated REM objectives of:
- Reliability
- Affordability
- Decarbonization by 2050
- Reasonable implementation
Material will be covered according to six workstreams, including:
- Day-Ahead Market
- Market Power Mitigation
- Pricing and Reserve Market
- Market Clearing
- Intertie Participation
- Shorter Settlement
Engagement Schedule (revised: Nov. 25, 2024)
Important Materials and Deadlines
Jan. 17, 2025 | Stakeholder Feedback on REM High-Level Design due
Jan. 8, 2025 | Congestion Avoidance Market (CAM) CanREA Presentation posted
Dec. 13, 2024 | REM High-Level Design* and associated Stakeholder Feedback Form posted
*Updated Dec. 16, 2024 to correct two typos (pages 6 and 35) and Jan. 8, 2025 to address a formatting issue
Stakeholder Update - December 13, 2024
Following the first six REM Design Sprints, we have released a high-level design document covering each element of the market design, incorporating what we heard and discussed with stakeholders. The written stakeholder feedback period will be open until Jan. 17, 2025.
Additional direction from the Minister of Affordability and Utilities associated with the REM Market Design was provided on Dec. 10, 2024. View the Direction Letter and News Release.
There is an updated report and data file from Energy+Environmental Economics (E3) that contains some additional information and clarifications of the analysis, as requested by stakeholders in Sprint 6. This includes a number of updates to the analysis on the impact of the most recent version of the market power mitigation framework, edits to clarify the concepts presented on a number of slides and new slides (15, 21, 28, 33, and 94).
Materials posted this week include:
- REM High-Level Design and associated Stakeholder Feedback Form
- Updated E3 Restructured Energy Market Preliminary Report and AESO REM Modelling Results (Instructions - if needed)
- Dec. 12, 2024 Information Session Presentation and Recording
- Minister Direction Letter
- Design Sprint 6 Summary
Stakeholder consultations will help us continue to progress details on the final market design and work towards the ISO rule development stage. Watch for more information in mid-January on upcoming engagement opportunities.
Thank you for your interest, participation and contributions throughout the REM engagements. Your commitment and dedication have been instrumental in getting us to where we are. We look forward to continuing to work with stakeholders in 2025 to achieve a market design that sets our industry partners, the AESO and all Albertans up for a successful energy framework for the future.
We have embarked on a multi-phased engagement with industry stakeholders to advance work on the new market design through the fall of 2024. It will be comprised of a series of information sessions, written feedback cycles, and consultation sprints to dive deeper into each workstream to explore and consider stakeholder perspectives and inputs prior to beginning the required regulatory processes early in 2025.
We will strive to ensure overall alignment with the stated REM objectives of:
- Reliability
- Affordability
- Decarbonization by 2050
- Reasonable implementation
Material will be covered according to six workstreams, including:
- Day-Ahead Market
- Market Power Mitigation
- Pricing and Reserve Market
- Market Clearing
- Intertie Participation
- Shorter Settlement
Engagement Schedule (revised: Nov. 25, 2024)
The AESO values stakeholder input and invites all interested parties to provide their feedback on the REM high-level design via the following stakeholder feedback form by Jan. 17, 2025 at 4 p.m. MDT. Please be as specific as possible with your responses. Thank you for your input.
The AESO has been working extensively with industry stakeholders and market participants, partner agencies and government to ensure the Restructured Energy Market (REM) design provides a strong foundation for the Alberta electricity system, ensuring it’s affordable, reliable, investable and sustainable for generations to come.
We have released a REM High-Level Design that will be relied on to progress finalizing a complete design that best fits for Alberta’s purposes and reaches the REM objectives. We have progressed the design and narrowed the breadth of options that were being considered through our Design Sprint Sessions and the stakeholder feedback received so far. This round of written feedback will be used to build upcoming consultation activities that will assist in further refining and finalizing the REM.
The sections in this document correspond to those in the REM High-Level Design. We have identified specific areas where we are seeking additional input from stakeholders. Responses in each section are optional.
- Please fill out the sections as indicated
- Only one completed feedback form will be accepted per organization
- To upload your completed feedback form:
- You will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform
- You will need to be on the REM Technical Design page (, which can be found on the AESO website at and follow the path: AESO Engage (found on very top navigation bar) > REM Technical Design > Stakeholder Feedback > Written Feedback on REM High-Level Design | Dec. 13, 2024 – Jan. 17, 2025
- Click on the "Upload File" box at the bottom of this page to submit your completed feedback form
- All responses will be shared on AESO Engage in their original format
- Responses due by January 17, 2025 at 4 p.m. MDT
Stakeholder Questions
- Comments From (Organization)
- Respondent Name (First, Last)
- Respondent Title
- Respondent Email
1. What are the three topics within the REM that you would like us to prioritize for further stakeholder engagement?
2. Which components of the REM, as they were presented in the High-Level Design, do you support?
3. Which components of the REM, as they were presented in the High-Level Design, do you have concerns with?
4. Do you have any general comments about the REM design that have yet to be addressed? Please specify.
5. Do you have any comments or suggestions on the stakeholder engagement and participation options that you want the AESO to consider when building the engagement plan for 2025? (i.e., in-person format, frequency, virtual information sessions, written feedback, governance, decision-making, etc.)
Registration – Section 6
6. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ relating to Registration that should be considered?
7. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
8. Other comments
Day-Ahead Market – Section 7
9. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on the Day-Ahead Market that should be considered?
10. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
11. Other comments
Intraday Unit Commitment Process – Section 8
12. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on the Intraday Unit Commitment Process that should be considered?
13. Are there appropriate alternatives to the intraday commitment process to address the reliability needs that may emerge between day-ahead and real-time market clearing?
14. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
15. Other comments
Real-Time Market – Section 9
16. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ for the Real-Time Market that should be considered?
17. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
18. Other comments
Congestion Management – Section 10
19. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ around Congestion Management that should be considered?
20. Is CAM the appropriate market-based congestion management mechanism to manage congestion? If not, why not?
21. If not, can the CAM be modified in such a way to become an appropriate to manage congestion? If yes, how?
22. What additional [other] market-based congestion management mechanisms should be considered? And how do they meet the recent policy directions?
23. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
24. Other comments
Market Power Mitigation – Section 11
25. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on Market Power Mitigation that should be considered?
26. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
27. Other comments
Scarcity Pricing Curve – Section 12
28. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on the Scarcity Pricing Curve that should be considered?
29. Do you have any input to provide on those outstanding items?
30. Other comments
Market Settlement – Section 13
31. Is there anything not captured under ‘Outstanding Items’ on Market Settlement that should be considered?
32. Do you have any input to provide on the outstanding items listed?
33. Other comments
View the REM High-Level Design Feedback Form here or in the AESO materials section.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The AESO is developing comprehensive content for upcoming REM Sprint design sessions. We are asking for your feedback on any additional pieces to consider including for discussion.
The feedback period will be open until September 6, 2024, and individual responses will be shared on AESO Engage in their original format. The AESO will take this feedback into account when designing content for its REM Sprint sessions. Thank you in advance for providing this important feedback.
If you need further information on how to submit your organization's comment matrix, please email
- Please respond to the questions and provide your specific comments.
- Only one completed comment matrix will be accepted per organization.
- To upload your completed comment matrix:
- You will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
- Please click on the "Submit Stakeholder Feedback" box below to upload your completed comment matrix.
- All responses will be shared on AESO Engage in their original format.
- Responses due on or before September 6, 2024.
Stakeholder Comment Matrix
Download the AESO Stakeholder comment matrix here or in the AESO materials section and submit your completed matrix below.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
We value your input and would like to ask all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the AESO's REM Recommendation shorter settlement work stream. The survey will be open until June 11, 2024, and responses will be shared on AESO Engage. Thank you in advance for providing this important feedback.
- Please respond to the questions and provide your specific comments.
- Only one completed comment matrix will be accepted per organization.
- To upload your completed comment matrix:
- You will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
- Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to upload your completed comment matrix.
- Individual results from this survey will remain confidential and the AESO will release a directional summary of the results when the detailed design and recommendation is released for stakeholder feedback.
- Responses due on or before June 11, 2024
Stakeholder Comment Matrix
View the AESO Stakeholder comment matrix here or in the AESO materials section.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
We value your input and would like to ask all interested stakeholders to provide their feedback on the AESO's REM Recommendation & Design Elements. Specifically, what stakeholders view as beneficial and what stakeholders view as creating concern regarding the REM recommendation and design elements meeting the objectives of Reliability, Affordability, Decarbonization by 2050 and Reasonable Implementation.
The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and will remain open until April 30, 2024. Results of the survey will be shared on AESO Engage in their original state and will be shared with the Ministry of Affordability & Utilities (MAU) as they would like to further understand industry’s views on the REM Recommendation to inform their on-going decision making.
Thank you in advance for providing this important feedback.
- To submit your feedback, you will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
- Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Survey" box below to provide your specific comments.
- Please submit one completed Stakeholder Survey per organization.
- Results will be posted on AESO Engage in their original state.
- Responses due on or before April 30, 2024.
Stakeholder Survey Questions
- Please indicate which category your organization predominantly represents:
- Generation (thermal or diversified fuel mix)
- Load
- Renewables
- Storage
- Retailer
- Other
- Name of Organization
- First and Last Name
- My organization is a member of the Market Pathways Executive Working Group (EWG).
- What aspects of the REM Recommendation and Design Elements do you believe are beneficial to meet the objectives of Reliability, Affordability, Decarbonization by 2050 and Reasonable Implementation? Please provide your rationale and be as specific as possible.
- What aspects of the REM Recommendation and Design Elements do you believe create concerns for meeting the objectives of Reliability, Affordability, Decarbonization by 2050 and Reasonable Implementation? Please provide your rationale and be as specific as possible.
- What are the top three market design elements you believe need most focus during stakeholder engagement? Please provide your rationale and be as specific as possible.
- I have a good understanding of how the Restructured Energy Market recommendation will work in Alberta.
- If you answered neutral, disagree or strongly disagree to question 8, what aspects of the REM recommendation would you like additional information or clarification on? Please be specific.
- Any additional comments
Signup Banner
Level of Engagement
Consult: Gather input and feedback from stakeholders
Refer to the AESO’s Engagement Framework for our approach to engagement
AESO Materials
- AESO_CAM Overview_CanREA_8Jan2025.pptx (7.13 MB) (pptx)
- REM High-Level Design [Posted: Dec. 13, 2024; Updated: Jan. 8, 2024] (2.12 MB) (pdf)
- REM High Level Design - Stakeholder Feedback Form [Posted: Dec. 13, 2024; Updated: Dec. 16, 2024]] (236 KB) (docx)
- UPDATED E3 REM Preliminary Report [Posted: Dec. 13, 2024] (4.96 MB) (pdf)
- E3 AESO Data for Public Release [Posted: Dec. 13, 2024] (77.7 MB) (xlsx)
- Instructions_E3 AESO REM Modelling Results [Posted: Dec. 16, 2024] (215 KB) (pdf)
- REM Stakeholder Information Session 12122024 [Posted: Dec. 12, 2024] (1.74 MB) (pdf)
- AESO Quantitative Review and E3 REM Preliminary Report [Posted: Nov. 26, 2024] (4.41 MB) (pdf)
- Information Sessions
REM Design Sprint Materials Fall 2024
- REM Design Sprint 6 Summary [Posted: Dec. 11, 2024] (256 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 6 - Days 1 - 4 Presentation [Posted: Nov.28, 2024] (4.69 MB) (pdf)
- Sprint 6 Agenda - Updated [Posted: Nov. 26, 2026] (194 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprints 4 & 5 Summary [Posted: Nov. 18, 2024] (394 KB) (pdf)
- Sprint 5 - Stakeholder Presentations [Posted Nov. 18, 2024] (365 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 5 - Days 2-3 Presentation [Posted: Nov. 7, 2024] (3.58 MB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 5 Agenda [Posted: Oct. 30, 2024] (282 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 4 - Days 1-4 Presentation [Posted: Nov. 1, 2024] (3.03 MB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 4 - Detailed Agenda [Posted: Oct. 16, 2024] (170 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 3 Summary [Posted: Oct. 16, 2024] (347 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 1 and 2 Summary [Posted: Sept. 27, 2024] (427 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 3 - Days 1-4 Presentation [Posted: Oct.4, 2024] (1.56 MB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 3 - Detailed Agenda (REVISED) [Posted: Oct. 3, 2024] (293 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Sprint 2 - Days 1-4 Presentation [Posted: Sept. 20, 2024] (877 KB) (pdf)
- REVISED REM Design Sprint 2 - Detailed Agenda [Posted: Sept. 17, 2024] (302 KB) (pdf)
- REM Sprint 1 Presentation [Updated: Sept. 13, 2024] (1.22 MB) (pdf)
- Updated External REM Agendas September 3.pdf (369 KB) (pdf)
- Agreement to Participate in REM Engagement [Posted: July 24, 2024] (182 KB) (pdf)
Data [Posted Nov. 15, 2024]
- Reserve Offer Cap Calculations [posted Nov 20, 2024] (28 KB) (xlsx)
- Smooth Scarcity Pricing Curve [Posted: Nov. 14, 2024] (135 KB) (xlsx)
- 24-hour Forecast and Actual Wind, Solar and Load [Posted Nov. 14, 2024] (1.45 MB) (xlsx)
- 10-minute Forecast and Actual Wind, Solar and Load [Posted: Oct. 16, 2024] (8.65 MB) (xlsx)
- 60-minute Forecast and Actual Wind, Solar and Load [Posted: Oct. 16, 2024] (1.45 MB) (xlsx)
Capacity Market Consultation Documents [Posted Nov. 15, 2024]
- Capacity Market CMD Consolidated Final Proposal 18JUN2018 [Posted Nov. 14, 2024] (1.01 MB) (pdf)
- Section 206.3 Uniform Capacity Value Determination - Errata 2 Blackline [Posted Nov. 14, 2024] (544 KB) (pdf)
- Capacity Market CMD Consolidated Final Rationale 18JUN2018 [Posted Nov. 14, 2024] (3.24 MB) (pdf)
- Capacity Market Presentation on Demand Response Participation [Posted Nov. 14, 2024] (545 KB) (pdf)
- Co-optimization Tool
REM Design Option Papers, Materials and Feedback
- Brattle Value of Lost Load for Alberta [Posted: Aug. 16, 2024] (995 KB) (pdf)
- Comparison REM Starting Points with Current Market Overview [Posted: Aug. 16, 2024] (137 KB) (pdf)
- REM Cooptimization Information Document_Aug16.pdf (737 KB) (pdf)
- REM Day-Ahead Market Options Paper_Aug16.pdf [Updated: Aug. 26, 2024] (947 KB) (pdf)
- REM Design Options Comment Matrix Aug. 16 - Sept. 6 [Posted: Aug. 16, 2024] (343 KB) (docx)
- REM Design Options - Consolidated Stakeholder Feedback [Posted: Sept. 6, 2024] (4.92 MB) (pdf)
- REM Initial Revenue Sufficiency Analysis_Aug16.pdf (587 KB) (pdf)
- REM Intertie Participation Options Paper (343 KB) (pdf)
- REM Intertie Participation Stakeholder Feedback combined [Posted. Aug. 16, 2024] (445 KB) (pdf)
- REM Market Clearing Options Paper_Aug 16.pdf (514 KB) (pdf)
- REM Market Power Mitigation Options Paper_Aug16.pdf (636 KB) (pdf)
- REM Pricing and Reserve Market Options Paper_Aug16.pdf (592 KB) (pdf)
- REM Shorter Settlement Options Paper [Posted July 18, 2024] (482 KB) (pdf)
- REM Shorter Settlement Stakeholder Feedback [Posted: Aug.16, 2024] (1.62 MB) (pdf)
- Shorter Settlement Cost Estimates Comment Matrix [Posted: May 17, 2024] (193 KB) (docx)
- REM Engagement Updated Schedule [Posted: July 24, 2024] (112 KB) (pptx)
- CEO Meeting | May 17, 2024
- REM EWG Stakeholder Session Presentation [Posted: April 17, 2024] (595 KB) (pdf)
Reference Materials
Reference Materials
- Direction Letter from Minister 10Dec2024 [Posted: Dec. 10, 2024] (232 KB) (pdf)
- Direction Letter from Minister 3July2024 [Posted: July 11, 2024] (109 KB) (pdf)
- Direction Letter from Minister 11March2024 [Posted: March 11, 2024] (101 KB) (pdf)
- Market Power Mitigation Regulation [Posted: March 11, 2024] (218 KB) (pdf)
- Supply Cushion Regulation [Posted: March 11, 2024] (198 KB) (pdf)
- AESO REM IPPSA PPT Mike Law [Posted: March 11, 2024] (714 KB) (pdf)
- AESO REM Recommendation Report [Posted: March 11, 2024] (11.4 MB) (pdf)
- AESO Tx Policy Recommendation [Posted: March 11, 2024] (570 KB) (pdf)
REM Technical Design Lifecycle
Design Development | March - June 2024
REM Technical Design has finished this stageActivities
- Build understanding of REM
- Gather feedback and consult on engagement approach
- REM Stakeholder Survey | April 17 - 30
- EWG REM Kick-off Session | April 22 - 23
- CEO Meeting | May 17
Engagement on Design | July 2024 - Jan. 2025
REM Technical Design is currently at this stageActivities
- Build understanding on high-level design
- Consult on key focus areas of greatest impact/interest to stakeholders
- Information Session & Industry Update | July 18
- Written Feedback REM Market Design 1.0 | Aug. 16 - Sept.6
- Information Session & Industry Update | Sept. 5
- Consultation Session Sprint #1 | Sept. 10 - 13
- Consultation Session Sprint #2 | Sept. 17 - 20
- Consultation Session Sprint #3 | Oct. 1 - 4
- Information Session & Industry Update | Oct. 28
- Consultation Session Sprint #4 | Oct. 29 - Nov. 1
- Consultation Session Sprint #5 | Nov. 4 - 7
- Consultation Session Sprint #6 | Nov. 25 - 28
- Information Session & Industry Update | Dec. 12
- Written Feedback REM Market Design | Dec. 13 - Jan 8
Detailed Design & Rules | Dec. 2024 - Mar./Apr. 2025
this is an upcoming stage for REM Technical Design- Anticipated REM Rule filing date: Q1/Q2 2025
AUC Process | April - Sept. 2025
this is an upcoming stage for REM Technical Design -
Expected AUC Decision | Oct. - Nov. 2025
this is an upcoming stage for REM Technical Design -
REM Implementation | Dec. 2025 - 2026
this is an upcoming stage for REM Technical Design
Stakeholder Submissions
- REM Design Options Combined Stakeholder Feedback [Posted: Sept. 9, 2024] (4.92 MB) (pdf)
- REM Intertie Participation Stakeholder Feedback combined [Posted: Aug. 16, 2024] (12.2 MB) (pdf)
- REM Shorter Settlement Stakeholder Feedback [Posted: Aug.16, 2024] (1.62 MB) (pdf)
- REM Recommendation & Design Elements Stakeholder Feedback [Posted May 9, 2024] (832 KB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
Manager, Market Design
Email -
Director, Markets
Related projects
Live Projects
Archived Projects
Key Dates
November 2024
September 2024
Contact Us
If you have any other questions, please contact