Tariff Evolution Roundtable & World Cafe


On Nov. 10, 2022, the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) issued its Bulk and Regional Tariff Design Decision,[1] which denied the AESO’s Oct. 15, 2021 rate design application. Having considered the Decision, the AESO is starting a new process to collaborate with stakeholders to reconsider what principles and objectives should guide the ISO tariff rate design for the benefit of Albertans.

Reflecting on stakeholder feedback received across our engagements identified areas of enhancements to further strengthen our engagement approach and drive value, including:

  • Conducting in-person forums to enable more in-depth discussions with the AESO and amongst fellow industry members;
  • More fully utilizing industry expertise in framing the issue and approach, prioritization, as well as solution development and refinement; and
  • Improving how we demonstrate that stakeholder feedback has been considered.

The AESO is committed to applying these learnings to this engagement. To this end, hosted a Tariff Evolution Roundtable and World Café forum on Feb. 14, 2023, to kick off an industry discussion on industry perceptions, needs, and priorities for tariff evolution in the years to come.

We hope this session offered opportunities to discuss, listen and learn from one another, to strengthen our relationships and to reset for this next stage of tariff evolution and how we work together.

[1] Decision 26911-D01-2022, AESO Bulk and Regional Rate Design and Modernized DOS Rate Design Application (November 10, 2022)


On Nov. 10, 2022, the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) issued its Bulk and Regional Tariff Design Decision,[1] which denied the AESO’s Oct. 15, 2021 rate design application. Having considered the Decision, the AESO is starting a new process to collaborate with stakeholders to reconsider what principles and objectives should guide the ISO tariff rate design for the benefit of Albertans.

Reflecting on stakeholder feedback received across our engagements identified areas of enhancements to further strengthen our engagement approach and drive value, including:

  • Conducting in-person forums to enable more in-depth discussions with the AESO and amongst fellow industry members;
  • More fully utilizing industry expertise in framing the issue and approach, prioritization, as well as solution development and refinement; and
  • Improving how we demonstrate that stakeholder feedback has been considered.

The AESO is committed to applying these learnings to this engagement. To this end, hosted a Tariff Evolution Roundtable and World Café forum on Feb. 14, 2023, to kick off an industry discussion on industry perceptions, needs, and priorities for tariff evolution in the years to come.

We hope this session offered opportunities to discuss, listen and learn from one another, to strengthen our relationships and to reset for this next stage of tariff evolution and how we work together.

[1] Decision 26911-D01-2022, AESO Bulk and Regional Rate Design and Modernized DOS Rate Design Application (November 10, 2022)

Page last updated: 06 Mar 2024, 04:14 PM