Reliability Standards Discussion Group

Key Dates and Materials

July 2, 2024 | June 12 Reliability Standards Discussion Group Session Summary posted.


The purpose of the Reliability Standards Discussion Group (RSDG) is to provide an open forum for stakeholders and the AESO to have high-level, non-technical discussions about the Alberta Reliability Standards (ARS) Program, and NERC and WECC reliability standards. Specific objectives are to inform stakeholders of upcoming ARS under development, to discuss with stakeholders ARS program lifecycle continuous improvements, and to provide a forum for general questions or concerns about ARS to be introduced and next steps considered. The RSDG meets three times a year.

The RSDG is an Alberta Reliability Council (ARC) working group.


  • RSDG will include ARS program work plan updates, ARS program lifecycle continuous improvements discussions and updates, and ARS open industry discussion.


  • Detailed content discussions on specific ARS material during any phase of the ARS lifecycle will occur at a Reliability Standards Workshop (RSW).
  • ARS enforcement is under the mandate of the MSA. As a result, it will not be discussed at RSDG meetings.

Key Dates and Materials

July 2, 2024 | June 12 Reliability Standards Discussion Group Session Summary posted.


The purpose of the Reliability Standards Discussion Group (RSDG) is to provide an open forum for stakeholders and the AESO to have high-level, non-technical discussions about the Alberta Reliability Standards (ARS) Program, and NERC and WECC reliability standards. Specific objectives are to inform stakeholders of upcoming ARS under development, to discuss with stakeholders ARS program lifecycle continuous improvements, and to provide a forum for general questions or concerns about ARS to be introduced and next steps considered. The RSDG meets three times a year.

The RSDG is an Alberta Reliability Council (ARC) working group.


  • RSDG will include ARS program work plan updates, ARS program lifecycle continuous improvements discussions and updates, and ARS open industry discussion.


  • Detailed content discussions on specific ARS material during any phase of the ARS lifecycle will occur at a Reliability Standards Workshop (RSW).
  • ARS enforcement is under the mandate of the MSA. As a result, it will not be discussed at RSDG meetings.
  • June 12, 2024

    The AESO hosted a virtual Stakeholder Session on June 12, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.


    To engage stakeholders in discussions on the AESO’s Alberta Reliability Standards (ARS) Program


    1. Provide an update on:
      • The AESO's Request for Information (RFI) Process
      • Alberta Risk-based Compliance Monitoring Program
    2. Present the June 2024 ARS Program Work Plan
    3. Facilitate an open industry discussion on ARS Program


    Can be found under AESO Materials.

  • February 8, 2024

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO hosted a hybrid Stakeholder Session on February 8, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


    To engage stakeholders in discussions on the AESO’s Alberta Reliability Standards (ARS) Program


    1. Provide an update on:
      • ARS Program Enhancements Roadmap activities
        • Enhanced Reliability Standard Processes
        • Enhanced Supporting Information and Guidance Material
        • Alberta Risk-based Compliance Monitoring Program.
    2. Present the February 2024 ARS Program Work Plan
    3. Facilitate an open industry discussion on ARS Program


    Can be found under AESO Materials.

  • November 7, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO hosted a hybrid Stakeholder Session on November 7, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


    To engage stakeholders in discussions on the AESO’s Alberta Reliability Standards (ARS) Program


    1. To provide an update on:

    • ARS Program Enhancements Roadmap activities
    • CIP Pilot Highlights, Feedback, and Next Steps
    • Reliability Standards Process: Gap Analysis and ARS Future Processes
    • Information Document Approach
    • Alberta Risk-based Compliance Monitoring Program Proposal
    • Enhanced ARS Project Scheduling Principles
    • October 2023 ARS Program Work Plan

    2. To facilitate an open industry discussion on ARS Program


    Can be found under AESO Materials

  • June 20, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO hosted a hybrid Stakeholder Session on June 20, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


    The purpose of the session was to engage stakeholders in discussions on the AESO’s ARS Program, and specifically engage stakeholders in a discussion on the proposed risk-based approach. Session objectives include:

    • ARS Program Enhancement Roadmap Activities;
    • June 2023 ARS Program Work Plan;
    • Present highlights of the risk-based Compliance Monitoring Program ("CMP") proposal; and
    • Provide stakeholders with an opportunity to ask questions and explore any areas where clarification is required.


    Can be found under AESO Materials.

  • February 28, 2023

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO hosted a virtual session on Feb. 28, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.


    The purpose of the session was to engage stakeholders in discussions on the AESO’s Alberta Reliability Standard (ARS) Program, and specifically engage stakeholders in a discussion on the proposed risk-based approach.

    Stakeholder Comments

    We value stakeholder feedback, and we thank you for sharing your perspectives with us. All stakeholder comments received on the AESO's Enhanced ARS Program Work Plan Template are available in the Stakeholder Submissions section.


    Session materials can be found in AESO Materials.

  • October 27, 2022

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO hosted a hybrid session on October 27, 2022, from 9:00 - 12:00 p.m.


    The purpose of the session was to engage stakeholders in discussions on the AESO’s ARS Program, and specifically engage stakeholders in a discussion on the proposed risk-based approach. Session objectives include:

    • ARS Program Enhancement Roadmap Activities
      • Present, discuss and seek feedback on the AESO’s proposed risk-based approach
      • Share our key learnings from RSDG stakeholder feedback
      • Present the RSDG and RSW (Reliability Standards Workshop) final approaches
    • October 2022 ARS Program Work Plan
    • Open Industry Discussion on ARS Program

    Stakeholder Comments

    The AESO sought written feedback on the AESO's proposed risk-based approach following the ARS Program Enhancements Stakeholder Session hosted on Nov 21, 2022. We value stakeholder feedback, and we thank you for sharing your perspectives with us. All stakeholder comments received on the AESO's proposed risk-based approach, proposed approach to developing a risk-based methodology for the compliance monitoring program, and the proposed pace and activities schedule for 2023 are available in the Stakeholder Submissions section.


    Can be found in the AESO Materials section.

  • RSDG Launch | June 8, 2022

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The AESO hosted a hybrid stakeholder session on June 8, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.


    The purpose of the session was to engage stakeholders in discussions on the AESO’s ARS Program. Specific session objectives include:

    • Present and seek feedback on our proposed approach to RSDG and to technical working groups (TWGs);
    • Discuss our interim ARS Program Work Plan; and
    • Have an open discussion to receive feedback on the ARS program

    Stakeholder comments

    We value stakeholder feedback, and we thank you for sharing your perspectives with us. All stakeholder comments received on the AESO's approach to RSDG and TWGs and the interim ARS Program Work Plan are available in the Stakeholder Submissions section.


    Can be found in the AESO Materials section.

Page last updated: 02 Jul 2024, 11:44 AM