LTO Lifecycle Activities | 2023 - 2024

Scope & Input Assumptions Written Consultation | Jan. 5-20, 2023


The purpose of this initial written consultation is to seek feedback from interested stakeholders on their perspectives as it relates to the proposed scope and input assumptions of the 2023 LTO analysis.

Planned Activities | 2023 - 2024


  • Seek feedback on proposed scope and input assumptions. (January)
  • Post written stakeholder feedback received. (January)
  • Stakeholder feedback gathered will be reviewed and considered as the AESO develops further analysis. Based on this review, the AESO will provide a summary directional update. (February)
  • AESO conducts further analysis. (January-May)
  • Stakeholder session to present and seek feedback on preliminary modelling results. (May/June)
  • Seek additional round of stakeholder written feedback before the AESO finalizes its modelling and analysis. (May/June)
  • Post written stakeholder feedback received. (June/July)
  • Stakeholder feedback gathered will be reviewed and considered as the AESO reviews its modelling and analysis. Based on this review, the AESO will provide a summary directional update. (July/August)
  • AESO reviews modeling and analysis (June-November)
  • Stakeholder update and feedback on updated preliminary modeling results (December)
  • Post written stakeholder feedback received. (December)
  • Stakeholder feedback gathered will be reviewed and considered as the AESO reviews its modelling and analysis. Based on this review, the AESO will provide a summary directional update. (January 2024)
  • Publish written report stakeholder session to present 2024 Long-term Outlook and provide next steps. (Q2, 2024)
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