Fast Frequency Response ISO Rule Amendments

Application Approved by Commission

In Decision 28937-D01-2024, dated May 24, 2024, the AUC approved the AESO's application, pursuant to Section 20.21(1)(a) of the Electric Utilities Act. The new and amended ISO rules and definitions will come into effect on May 31, 2024.

Key Dates and Materials

March 22, 2024 | Response Letter and Stakeholder Comments and AESO Response Matrix posted (additional materials can be found in the AESO Materials section)


In addition to proposing to create a new rule, Section 205.9, Dispatches for Concurrent Services, the AESO has identified necessary amendments to the following ISO rules and Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (CADG) Definitions:

  • Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (CADG) Definitions (including a change to the Future Effective CADG-Defined Terms)
  • Section 201.7, Dispatches
  • Section 203.4, Delivery Requirements for Energy
  • Section 205.2, Issuing Dispatches and Directives for Operating Reserves
  • Section 205.5, Spinning Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards
  • Section 205.6, Supplemental Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards
  • Section 303.1, Fast Frequency Response Service
  • Section 503.16, SCADA Technical and Operating Requirements

The AESO proposes to consult with Stakeholders on the Fast Frequency Response (FFR) ISO Rule Amendments which are the minimal rule changes necessary to articulate how discrete, technology-agnostic FFR will be used to support the AIES.

Application Approved by Commission

In Decision 28937-D01-2024, dated May 24, 2024, the AUC approved the AESO's application, pursuant to Section 20.21(1)(a) of the Electric Utilities Act. The new and amended ISO rules and definitions will come into effect on May 31, 2024.

Key Dates and Materials

March 22, 2024 | Response Letter and Stakeholder Comments and AESO Response Matrix posted (additional materials can be found in the AESO Materials section)


In addition to proposing to create a new rule, Section 205.9, Dispatches for Concurrent Services, the AESO has identified necessary amendments to the following ISO rules and Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (CADG) Definitions:

  • Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (CADG) Definitions (including a change to the Future Effective CADG-Defined Terms)
  • Section 201.7, Dispatches
  • Section 203.4, Delivery Requirements for Energy
  • Section 205.2, Issuing Dispatches and Directives for Operating Reserves
  • Section 205.5, Spinning Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards
  • Section 205.6, Supplemental Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards
  • Section 303.1, Fast Frequency Response Service
  • Section 503.16, SCADA Technical and Operating Requirements

The AESO proposes to consult with Stakeholders on the Fast Frequency Response (FFR) ISO Rule Amendments which are the minimal rule changes necessary to articulate how discrete, technology-agnostic FFR will be used to support the AIES.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We value Stakeholder input and invite all interested Stakeholders to provide their comments on, or raise any concerns with, the proposed revisions within the FFR ISO Rule Amendments.


    Please note, due to the detailed and complex nature of the questions we are seeking feedback on, a Stakeholder Comment Matrix has been posted for stakeholders to fill out rather than answering the questions via the survey tool. Once you have completed your comment matrix, you will be required to upload the comment matrix through the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below.

    1. Please respond to the questions and provide your specific comments.
    2. Please upload one completed comment matrix per organization.
    3. To upload your completed comment matrix:
      1. You will need to be registered and signed in on the AESO Engage platform.
      2. Please click on the "Complete Stakeholder Feedback" box below to upload your completed comment matrix.
    4. Stakeholder Feedback results will be published on AESO Engage, in their original state.
    5. Responses due on or before March 11, 2024.

    Stakeholder Comment Matrix

    View the Stakeholder Comment Matrix here or in the AESO Materials section.

Page last updated: 27 May 2024, 08:45 AM