Fast Frequency Response ISO Rule Amendments

Application Approved by Commission

In Decision 28937-D01-2024, dated May 24, 2024, the AUC approved the AESO's application, pursuant to Section 20.21(1)(a) of the Electric Utilities Act. The new and amended ISO rules and definitions will come into effect on May 31, 2024.

Key Dates and Materials

March 22, 2024 | Response Letter and Stakeholder Comments and AESO Response Matrix posted (additional materials can be found in the AESO Materials section)


In addition to proposing to create a new rule, Section 205.9, Dispatches for Concurrent Services, the AESO has identified necessary amendments to the following ISO rules and Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (CADG) Definitions:

  • Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (CADG) Definitions (including a change to the Future Effective CADG-Defined Terms)
  • Section 201.7, Dispatches
  • Section 203.4, Delivery Requirements for Energy
  • Section 205.2, Issuing Dispatches and Directives for Operating Reserves
  • Section 205.5, Spinning Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards
  • Section 205.6, Supplemental Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards
  • Section 303.1, Fast Frequency Response Service
  • Section 503.16, SCADA Technical and Operating Requirements

The AESO proposes to consult with Stakeholders on the Fast Frequency Response (FFR) ISO Rule Amendments which are the minimal rule changes necessary to articulate how discrete, technology-agnostic FFR will be used to support the AIES.

Application Approved by Commission

In Decision 28937-D01-2024, dated May 24, 2024, the AUC approved the AESO's application, pursuant to Section 20.21(1)(a) of the Electric Utilities Act. The new and amended ISO rules and definitions will come into effect on May 31, 2024.

Key Dates and Materials

March 22, 2024 | Response Letter and Stakeholder Comments and AESO Response Matrix posted (additional materials can be found in the AESO Materials section)


In addition to proposing to create a new rule, Section 205.9, Dispatches for Concurrent Services, the AESO has identified necessary amendments to the following ISO rules and Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (CADG) Definitions:

  • Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary (CADG) Definitions (including a change to the Future Effective CADG-Defined Terms)
  • Section 201.7, Dispatches
  • Section 203.4, Delivery Requirements for Energy
  • Section 205.2, Issuing Dispatches and Directives for Operating Reserves
  • Section 205.5, Spinning Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards
  • Section 205.6, Supplemental Reserve Technical Requirements and Performance Standards
  • Section 303.1, Fast Frequency Response Service
  • Section 503.16, SCADA Technical and Operating Requirements

The AESO proposes to consult with Stakeholders on the Fast Frequency Response (FFR) ISO Rule Amendments which are the minimal rule changes necessary to articulate how discrete, technology-agnostic FFR will be used to support the AIES.

  • Written Consultation | Feb. 16-March 11, 2024

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.


    Pursuant to Alberta Utilities Commission Rule 017, Procedures and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing of ISO Rules with the Alberta Utilities Commission, the AESO is providing notice and seeking feedback from Stakeholders on the development of the proposed Fast Frequency Response Rule Amendments. For additional information, please see the Feb. 16, 2024 Letter of Notice.

    AESO Responses to Stakeholder Comments

    In accordance with Alberta Utilities Commission (Commission) Rule 017, Procedures and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing of ISO Rules with the Alberta Utilities Commission the AESO is providing replies to Stakeholder comments. The AESO’s responses to comments, including the AESO’s rationale or basis for its position, and an explanation for why certain positions were rejected or accepted, are set out in the Stakeholder Comments and AESO Response Matrix. Updated blacklines as a result of ISO rule renumbering and Stakeholder comments have been posted as well. For additional information, please see the March 22, 2024 Response Letter.

    Written Consultation materials

    Can be found in the AESO Materials section.

Page last updated: 27 May 2024, 08:45 AM